Monday 21 September 2009

A little bit of work

This is just a little something that I did in letterpress just before the end of term with Toby. It was originally a 1st year project that I did in InDesign but I'd always been meaning to letterpress it. It's an extract from a forum for people with Dementia, written by a woman in her 40s who had recently been diagnosed. I loved the writing, it was so immediate and free, she obviously hadn't corrected it or changed it before posting, it was just very honest. It took many many hours and a lot of frustration and (almost) tears to set in 8pt Baskerville. These are just some photos of one of the poster runs we did, there is also a book that still needs to be bound. The book comprises of a print run of the posters that we did until the ink ran dry, with a blank page at the end of just the indentation of the type. We also did a print run of close cropped versions which are also pretty cool. Incidentally, there are copies for sale (funds desperately needed until the loan comes in) so just drop me an email/comment. Mates rates do apply of course!

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